Have you or someone you know been struggling with their health?

With chronic illness, medical treatment alone is only responsible for up to 20% of improvement. The other 80% comes from lifestyle, behavior, and environmental causes outside the doctor’s office.

Introducing Whole Person Health

How We Heal
How We Heal

In the overlapping of conventional, alternative, and lifestyle medicine, we find the space where health and wellbeing happen by activating our bodies’ natural healing abilities. It uses evidence-based methods for healing, including non-drug approaches like acupuncture, exercise, and nutrition with conventional and supported self-care.

Within us, we each have an inherent healing capacity that when properly unleashed can produce remarkable recovery and wellbeing. Because the ability to heal is inside you. Making small changes in your day can create large changes in your life.

How We Heal
How We Heal

Whole person care addresses the four dimensions of a human being–physical, behavioral, social and emotional, mental and spiritual. And it is delivered in a healing relationship with your care team.

You have the power to take greater control of your own recovery, increase the likelihood that any specific treatment will be effective, prevent many of the diseases of aging, and achieve health and wellbeing.

About Dr. Wayne Jonas
President, Healing Works Foundation

Wayne Jonas, MD, is a board-certified, practicing family physician, an expert in whole person integrative health and whole person care delivery, and a widely published scientific investigator.

He is also a retired lieutenant colonel in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. Dr. Jonas was the director of the Office of Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health from 1995 to 1999 and led the World Health Organization’s Collaborative Center for Traditional Medicine. Prior to that, he served as the director of  medical research fellowship at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. He is the President of the Healing Works Foundation, a non-profit with a mission to make whole person, integrative care regular and routine.